Tuesday, September 11, 2007

what a day

i had one of those days today that i'd rather erase from my memory - my boss and i had it out. and although most of what he said was unfair, there was about 2% of truth to his words.

2% of truth that hurts!

here i was functioning under the impression that i was the best thing that's ever happened to my work, secretly thinking that they were just lucky to have me!!

but apparently, i'm not perfect... who knew??

have you ever been there? all of a sudden, one of your itsy bitsy flaws is magnified for everyone to see. ouch!

what do you do when you are put in that painful place?

of course i got angry, i felt victimized, then i had bad thoughts about my boss. and i confess i was even close to tears driving home....but as i finally got my prayer hat on, and started thinking about what Jesus would do, i realized that there was only one solution for me.

say no to self. humble self. take responsibility for my actions. confess. repent. change.

words that hurt. but words a christian cannot ignore.

i think i'm already on the road to change, but i have a feeling it's gonna be a bumpy road ahead.

believe me, i may even need a supernatural force to help me out!

oh, but here's the thing: i already have that supernatural force in me.
his name is Jesus.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi - this is a great blog.