Tuesday, December 11, 2007

making sense of the little things

i met these 2 really cool people this weekend. the meeting was unexpected and serendipitous.
i knew they would be cool, and i knew i was lucky to meet them.
but all good things come to an end, and before i knew it, they had both gotten on a plane and flown back to their respective homes.

and i'm left contemplating the meaning of the meeting.

i know there are some of you out there who think good things stand for themselves. that there doesn't have to be a great explanation for every great thing in life.
but i think differently.
i believe that there is a reason for every meeting, and that someday it will all make sense and fit like pieces of a sudoku puzzle.

i logged on to my new friends' websites (believe me, i use the word loosely).
i was hit with a wave of nausea as i realized that despite my personal grandiosity and occasional narcissism, i am just one in a thousand encountered by my new friends.

so i sit here this morning, lost in the surrounding fog, unable to see 200 yards away, quietly reflecting on the meaning of life.

does anyone know i'm out here?
does it take a blog to prove my existence?

then my mind wanders to a barn 2000 years ago.
and i smile as it dawns on me.
every little thing does matter.
there is someone who cares about the details.

and what looks like a random illegitimate birth in a stable under the eastern skies ends up being the greatest moment in human history.

suddenly, the fog seems to lift.
and i smile.

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