Thursday, December 13, 2007

hot dogs and life

midway through my shift last night i found myself starving, with no money to buy myself dinner. all i wanted was a hot dog.

sick of hearing me talk about it, the clerk suddenly got up and put her coat on.

next thing i know, she's back, hot dog in hand. thrilled to pieces, i ate it without any hesitation, a big grin plastered on my face.

but here's the best part of the story. there was a third party involved. we'll call her rita.
rita had money. but the place was out of her kind of dog. so my friend doing the good deed used rita's money to buy my hotdog!!

i know this is a stretch, but how like salvation this story is.

desperately hungry, with nothing to bail myself out, i needed a third party to pay the price for my need.

that's what Jesus did for us: he took what was rightfully his, and willfully laid it down for us, so we could live freely for him!

it cost him everything.
and i'll spend the rest of my life thankful for him.
with a grin on my face.

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