Thursday, February 4, 2010

street wise

you can be homeless, broke, even hungry, but there's never a reason to be dirty.

i love this picture because it depicts so much.

first, notice the pictures on the wall. despite the great tragedy that has hit haiti, people are still resourceful and looking for ways to stimulate the economy. i bought 2 beautiful paintings from a street vendor today.

then notice the little boy. he's helping his father with this simple task. it's touching and real.

finally, how can you not love the man who is better soaped than most people who own a shower if not two!!!

we were driving home from clinic one day, stuck in traffic, tired and hot, looking out the window, and there in the middle of the street were these men playing cards.

we initially got smiles from all three, but i think the sassy man could tell we needed to really laugh a little, so he taunted us to take his picture with his tongue!

this has become an all too common site for us. it's lines of people waiting for food being handed out by the UN.

the haitians have given me a whole new perspective on patience and waiting. you may hear about riots on the news, but honestly, given the number of people standing in line in dire need of something to eat, i have never witnessed a more patient people.

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