Saturday, February 27, 2010


my hope is built on nothing less
than Jesus' blood and righteousness
i dare not trust the sweet frame
but wholly lean on Jesus' name

i love these words to this old hymn. matt redman has a great newer remake of this song if you like him. i must have listened to it 100 times driving today and it still hasn't gotten old.

i think about all the things i do build my hope on. things like money, or a good retirement account, my house which was a good investment. sometimes i build my hope on people. i'm often guilty of that. i figure if that relationship would just work out, everything would fall into place. or i build my hope on the church and being involved in meaningful ministry. i even get in this rut of building my hope on my looks, or lack of them depending on the day! if my hair would just turn out right...other times i build my hope on the future, and my dreams. and when they don't actually become realized, my whole outlook is clouded and my vision is obscured.

my hope is built on nothing less
than Jesus' blood and righteousness.

not just words to a hymn, but my prayer for myself tonight.

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