one of the greatest challenges we have faced in setting up a medical clinic has been maintaining an ongoing supply of medicines for the large number of patients we see daily.
it was evident on day 2 of clinic that the supply we brought with us from the US would quickly dwindle to little as we hurried through hundreds of patients' chief complaints.
we would quickly learn the bureaucracy of international relief work: multiple cooks in a small kitchen leading to slow supply chains and difficulty delivering resources to those in need.
our team leader, jennifer mcnulty took the challenge by the horns and determined to overcome every obstacle to meet the need of the people we were serving. i think everyone at the UN, WHO, and UNICEF, as well as log base (the central meeting point of all relief organizations in a disaster area) now know Dr.Jen.
the upside was that jen's determination bought us a little time and some additional necessary supplies to hold us over for another 2 days of clinic, but we still felt that we were short in medications and clinic needs.
so about 3 days into our 2 week trip Jen's husband Kevin got to work on the matter from his glen ellyn home. i still do not know how kevin got the ball rolling and into the goal line so quickly, but within 2 days, kevin had over 400 tons of equipment and meds, and close to $20,000 donated by friends and family to the cause of helping the people of haiti. foremost in the donations is Children's Memorial Hospital who actually was the organization that got our team together and sent us to haiti in the first place!!
by another miracle, Kevin managed to find a plane flying into Port au Prince (the plane is a CARES international plane, owned by Baxter corp), and we were ready to go with an abundance of supplies by day 6 of our 2 week stay.
our clinic became a collaboration of several groups of physicians: our team of pediatricians and family doctors, the Heart to Heart medical team, a group of surgeons from the philippines, and a private practice OB/GYN haitian doctor who used to be in private practice but lost his practice due to the earthquake.
thanks to kevin's hard work and the donations of every single person, we have become the major suppliers of free and necessary medicines to a population of thousands of haitians in the center of town!!
thank you to each and every one of you who has donated money to this cause.
if you wish to donate more money towards the medical work in haiti, here are some ways: : donate to the relief work in haiti, and specify that you are giving for the medical relief work
Become a fan of Suburban bank and trust on FaceBook and the bank will donate $1, up to $1000, to support their work for every new fan added through February 14th.
thanks in advance!!
Children's Memorial Medical Team to Haiti